Tensei Saki ga Zannen Ouji Datta Ken: Ima wa Fukkin 1-kai mo Dekinai kedo Yasete Isekai Sukuimasu
That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Disappointing Prince: Right Now I Can't Even Do One Sit-up, but I'll Try to Lose Weight and Save the World, 転生先が残念王子だった件 ~今は腹筋1回もできないけど痩せて異世界救います~
Description A young man who gets into a plane crash while returning from a business trip overseas is reincarnated into another world after being asked by the goddess to defeat the evil god. However, he was reincarnated as a stupid prince who is known among the aristocrats as the “Pig Prince” because of his fat and ugly appearance. If you can’t even do one sit-up, how are you going to defeat the evil god? This is the story of the Pig Prince’s struggle to lose weight!
Chapter 28.12 days ago130
Chapter 27.316 days ago214
Chapter 27.216 days ago150
Chapter 27.111-11-2024292
Chapter 26.327-10-2024297
Chapter 26.212-10-2024470
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Chapter 25.131-10-2023532
Chapter 24.316-10-2023455
Chapter 24.202-10-2023451
Chapter 24.119-09-2023461
Chapter 23.303-09-2023447
Chapter 23.220-08-2023435
Chapter 23.106-08-2023460
Chapter 2224-06-2023487
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Chapter 21.214-05-2023444
Chapter 21.114-05-2023451