Rettou Me no Tensei Majutsushi Shiitage Rareta Moto Yuusha wa Mirai no Sekai o Yoyuu de Ikinuku
Rettougan no Tensei Majutsushi, Rettoume no Tensei Majutsushi ~Shiitage Rareta Moto Yuusha wa Mirai no Sekai o Yoyuu de Ikinuku~, 劣等眼の転生魔術師~虐げられた元勇者は未来の世界を余裕で生き抜く~, 劣等眼的转生魔术师, 劣等眼的转生魔术师 ~受虐的前勇者在未来世界从容生活~
Abel was a genius magician who held immense power in a world where the color of your eyes indicates how powerful you are. However, the strength that came with his amber eyes was so great, even his comrades looked at him with fear and contempt. He therefore decided to transfer his soul far into the future, hoping to find a paradise that accepts him. He would soon find out that people’s attitude regarding his eye color did change, but not quite the way he had imagined…
Chapter 4418-12-2022110
Chapter 4318-12-202249
Chapter 4218-12-202233
Chapter 4118-12-202233
Chapter 4018-12-202237
Chapter 3918-12-202228
Chapter 3818-12-202228
Chapter 3718-12-202228
Chapter 3618-12-202231
Chapter 3518-12-202238
Chapter 3417-02-202327
Chapter 3317-02-202327
Chapter 3218-12-202233
Chapter 3118-12-202232
Chapter 3018-12-202232
Chapter 2918-12-202231
Chapter 2818-12-202230
Chapter 2718-12-202233
Chapter 2618-12-202230
Chapter 2518-12-202232