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Kakan no Oukoku no Hanagirai Hime

花冠の王国の花嫌い姫, 花冠の王国の花嫌い姫



『花冠の王国』と称される大国エスカ・トロネアの王女フローレンスは、重度の花アレルギー! 常にくしゃみ鼻水が止まらず、部屋に引きこもりっぱなし。そんな彼女におとずれた《人生の転機》は、北の辺境国ラハ・ラドマの王子イスカとの縁談だった。「アレルギーが出ない不毛の地こそ我が楽園!!」と浮かれるフローレンスだが、イスカにとっては「なぜ大国の姫がこんな辺境に!?」と不審でしかなく──。

A princess from a flowery kingdom marries into a desolate snow country!A love comedy that begins with a strange “political marriage” and ends with a difference of opinion!Princess Florence of Esca Torronea, the kingdom known as the ‘Kingdom of the Flower Crown’, is severely allergic to flowers! She constantly sneezes and has a runny nose and stays indoors. The “turning point in her life” came when she was offered a marriage to Prince Iska of the northern frontier kingdom of Laja Radma. A barren, allergy-free land is my paradise! Florence is elated, but Iska is wary: “Why would the princess of a great country come to such a remote place? She is suspicious…”
